During many conversation with small business owners, We frequently hear the complaint:
“We really need new employees, but we cannot find anyone good enough. The good ones are all with the large multi-nationals!”
One can appreciate the frustration, but in my opinion, the statement is wrong.
You will agree that especially those entering the workforce are frequently lured by the prestige of working for a large corporation. After all, many large companies have a well groomed image, supported by glossy brochures, brand awareness and well oiled PR departments.
But the reality of daily life in these companies is often something entirely different. Many employees in these companies are distraught by cumbersome decision making processes, nonsensical profit orientation and infighting in the executive suite.
The draw of small businesses
Many small and mid-sized businesses do not seem to be aware of this. Are you among these as well? Do not overestimate the lure of large companies, and do notunderestimate the attractiveness of your own small company! Small companies have much to offer in contrast to most monolithic conglomerates:
- Immediate decision making processes and direct access to the owner
- More decision making authority and judgment calls by the employees
- Customer orientation instead of bureaucracy
- Sustainability instead of focus on quarterly results
And what about the high salaries?
“The best employees are also the most expensive! We could never afford these.”
Nonsense! This statement is equally false! Think about it: Anyone who joins for the money, will also leave for the money! To a good employee, the assignment and the underlying purpose of his work are more important than the size of his income.
Please do not take this the wrong way: The salary must of course be appropriate. In the end, the applicable proverb is:
“If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.”
But the best employees are by no means the most expensive! The key is the right attitude! Look for employees who are drawn in by your company vision. You are looking for employees who, in the true sense of the word, want to work for your company – employees who want to get things done.
Employee’s attitude is the key!
There are two types of employees: One group is looking for work, the other is looking for a mission! You should only employ people from the latter group. The candidate’s eyes should light up when you tell him about his future assignments.
“Hire for Attitude – Train for Skills!”
What if the candidate does not have the technical skills? So what. This can be overcome. If the future employee has the right attitude and is committed, then he can acquire the technical content of the job. This may take some time. Look at this as an investment. What a person will never ‘learn’ is to have the right attitude!
Give candidates with unusual CV’s the benefit of the doubt. Have the courage to employ candidates that are from a completely wrong field or sector, or have other apparent weaknesses. You will be surprised about the outstanding performance these employees can muster after some time.
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