We all seem to have reasons for wanting start our own businesses but one of the ones I hear most is just about firing your boss. Getting out of the rat race seems to be the most popular of them all, but few people tell me which race they actually want to enter.
The best advice is to always follow your dreams but what if you mostly have nightmares? Or what if you are like most americans who can’t sleep at all and take ambien resulting in no dreams to hold onto? I’m not trying to be facetious in any way but my point is this.
What do you want to do and Why do you want to do it?
We have people come into Seed Capital all the time seeking our professional advice about getting a business loan and we can usually have no problem getting them money. We do it with low rates and easy term so they are immediately faced with our question, what do you want to do with the loans?
Our unsecured business loans have no limits or restrictions on how a borrower can choose to use their funds. They may pay down debt, save cash on hand, expand or hire. Our loans put you in charge and leave the bank out of it. This comes as a complete surprise to a lot of borrowers.
All of the sudden being faced with the money they thought they couldn’t get leaves without a barrier to entry. Now they must come to terms with why they wanted be an entrepreneur in the first place . So I ask them this.
Do you have what it takes to leave your job and become an immediate success at something else? Or are you planning a side business for a few years so you can gain market share in a new niche? Their personality type will help them determine their best plan for them .
If you believe in your gut feeling then listen to it. If you know you just want to stop working for someone else, then take it slow, plan wisely and get as much advice as you can.
The bad news, believe it or not is that these opportunities come along a lot because the money is readily available to start today. You may hear that banks aren’t lending, the economy is weak, the sky is falling and the pigs are flying. But the truth is that you don’t need banks. There are plenty of small business lenders out there and, Seed Capital, can guide you through the free processes of getting a business loan.
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